Clash between Burma Army and Wa reconfirmed UWSA Clash between Burma Army and Wa reconfirmed Several sources have confirmed that reports on a recent clash took place earlier this month at Hopang Township, northern Shan 酒店工作State, between the Burma Army (BA) and the United Wa State Army (UWSA) were accurate. By Hseng Khio Fah13 February 2009Local guides, who hire themselves out to 酒店經紀 escort travelers across the jungle to the border, said that the clash took place while they were guiding a group of travelers. The clash took place 20 miles south of Hopang, 找房子 near Pangyao village last week. One of the guides interviewed by SHAN however was unable to pinpoint the exact date. Other sources say it happened on 3 or 4 February.Some Wa officers from the ar 租屋網ea also confirmed the fact, but refused to reveal the exact date.“It was as an accidental affair,” SHAN quoted a Wa official from Panghsang headquarters on 10 February.Some border watchers comment that the 租房子reason that both sides are reluctant to speak out is because they don’t want to flare up the emotions. They also do not want to draw the world's attention to them. Tension between the two sides has been on the rise af 商務中心ter Lt-Gen Ye Myint, chief of Military Affairs Security and his delegation was forced to disarm on January 19, when making a visit to the Wa territory.In the meantime, Panghsang, headquarters of the UWSA is preparing to hold celebrations m 關鍵字行銷arking the 20th anniversary of its successful overthrow of the Communist Party of Burma (CPB) on 17 April 1989.Many of its ceasefire alliances along the China-Burma border including the National Democratic Alliance Army-Eastern Shan State (NDAA-ESS), comm 酒店經紀only known as the Mongla group, Kokang group and National Democratic Army- Kachin (NDAK), a member of Peace and Democracy Front in Burma have also been invited, sources said.There were 15 armed groups that had concluded ceasefire with Rangoon: 9 in Shan State, 2 in Kachi 系統傢俱n State, 3 in Kayah (Karenni) State and 1 in Mon State until 2005, when two of them: Palaung State Liberation Army (PSLA) and Shan State National Army (SSNA), both based in Shan State, were forced to surrender. 小額信貸  .

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